Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Essentials of Effectively Handling Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict--What does this word conjure up in your mind? I am sure there are many managers, supervisors, co-workers, friends and family members who cringe at the thought of having to resolve conflict. Most people hate it, avoid it, and hope it will go away. I am a rare individual in that I like to meet conflict head on, stomp on it, and hopefully resolve it, but I am aware that not all conflict issues can be resolved.

Throughout my career, I have used mediation tools that can be useful in conflict situations which allow parties to sit and listen to each other. Below are examples that can be used to help resolve issues/conflict before they become unmanageable.
  • A neutral person (manager, supervisor or a mentor) will take the conflicting parties to a conference room or a private place to discuss conflict issues.
  • As a neutral party, state the rules of the game (no arguing or walking out, and each party must listen to one another).
  • Give each party paper and pen and have them write down their issues.
  • Choose one party to start the process by reading their version of the conflict, then have the other party repeat what they heard until all parties have been heard and understood.
  • Once the parties have completed the process and have come to an understanding of what the key conflict issues are, then the resolution process can begin.
The above are basic tools that can be used to help alleviate conflict before it escalates out-of-hand spilling over into the daily activities of an organization, thus having a negative impact on the organization's bottom line.